Don't let the headline fool you. No, it wasn't that kind of "date". I had lunch today with the new Creative Arts pastor at the church I visited on Sunday. The church is home to many people I have known over the years in San Jose, or have some other connection to them, either directly or indirectly.
I have been acquainted with this music pastor for over 20 years, though the nature of our "relationship" was somewhat fleeting. I can go into greater detail about that in the future. Suffice it to say that it's a small world, and it's funny how paths begin in one place and come together again in a more substantial way years, even decades later.
I have to say that our meeting excited me. He is just as new to Rocklin as I am. Well, he beat me here by about 36 hours if you're keeping score at home. So we're a couple of fresh faces in the fabric of this church. I had a strong feeling before I arrived in town that this would be the logical church for me to attend, but you know, you want to keep your options open. God sometimes has a way of taking us down different paths than what we thought. After Sunday, I felt a bit more comfortable in that idea, and after today, even more so.
We'll see how it all plays out, but it feels good.
Good and Faithful Servant
6 years ago
uhh...scooze me...did I just read the word "excited" in your blog!?