I have watched "B" and "Roo" play basketball dating back to their very early years in Upward Basketball. I've had the pleasure of even coaching them with their dad. Seeing their smiles and getting their hugs absolutely lights up my heart. I'm going to miss that, but it's only going to make all that more special when we see each other in the future.

Special thanks to Troy and coach Amy Gannon who have let me be part of the program over the years. It has been so fun to help out at the scorer's table and keep stats on the bench. These are all special kids, and it's been a joy to watch them grow up. Win or lose, they have a fun time playing the game.
I'll be following the team on maxpreps.com, and I'm sure I'll get all the details from Troy. Right T-Dawg?
now I have to find someone to do the "OFFICAL" clock now....