Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bloggy Bloggerton

Wow, I guess it's been a few days since my last post. I've had more than one nagging subtle reminder in the past few days, so here I am.

This has been an interesting week. Since I've moved, I've been able to whittle down my life into the bare necessities. (great, now I have that song from The Jungle Book ringing in my head). That's one thing I'm discovering
in this transition; just how much stuff I had crammed into my schedule. I'm realizing just how break-neck the pace of living in the Bay Area is compared to...well, just about anywhere. Even teenagers have to check their PDAs to see if they're available to meet for a venti soy chai latte with a single pump of gingerbread syrup.

Now my life resembles a stripped down apartment with only a couch, bed, shower and microwave. The bare essentials to get through a day. But little by little, I'm starting to see some neat things get added to the array. Since I moved on July 26, the following things have already happened. Note that I didn't expect any of them to necessarily happen for months:
  1. Found a home church
  2. Sang my first solo in my new church
  3. Singing on the worship team (this Sunday)
  4. Received invitation to help with high school ministry
These are all very significant developments within my first month, and I thank God for them. But you'll see that these all fall under the context of church activities. While these are good, they don't pay the bills. My interim period of telecommuting from my home office for my job in San Jose ends next Friday, August 29. That means that as of September 1, I'm effectively unemployed. It has been 9 years since I spent even a single day without a job...or two. I am still doing reverse mortgages, but that arena has been very difficult due to the housing market and panic in the financial world with the long term stability of home refinances.

With all this stuff happening, I'm left with one simple assurance; "I will never leave you or forsake you." God has led me here, and I can do nothing but trust He will provide for me. In my flesh, I am nervous. I'm stressed. Then that still small voice can be heard reverberating my in spirit saying, "I Me".

There is almost nothing more comforting and reassuring than hearing a trusted friend saying, "I've got your back". How much more so is it to have the Creator of the ends of the earth saying it?

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