Well, here it is...the Monday of Thanksgiving week. I have begun my second job search in the short 4 months I have been in Rocklin. It is not a fun experience, particularly when you're desperately needing some degree of tangible security in a new area. I have spent the entire morning scouring job sites and posting my resume wherever I can think.
As I was reaching mental and emotional critical mass, I thought of the exhortations I've received from more than a few friends recently. I've been encouraged to pursue my writing. I haven't yet figured out how to parlay that into a career as of yet. It seems a bit late in the game as a 43 year old to consider such a venture, but it's been done before. My resume just doesn't identify me as a prolific writer. And really, honestly, I'm just another voice out here in the ever-expanding blogosphere.
What I seem to have is the ability to put into words, pictures, videos and any other form of communication, the thoughts and feelings of the so-called common man (or woman). When I sit down at my computer, I don't have a particular person or demographic in mind. I have friends who do not share my faith, so I know that they may not be as inspired by my posts about my faith as those who share this particular passion of mine. I sometimes write sports themed posts, or ones related to music. Hopefully there is some overlap in my writing which includes everyone at some point, but I also know that from time to time, I'm going to write about something which doesn't interest you.
What I hope to do, however, is use whatever theme I'm writing about on that particular day to relate to everyone in some way, even despite our differences in interests.
I do write about my relationship with God quite a bit. After all, that is the foundation upon which my life is built. I don't walk around with a 25 pound bible under my arm, standing on a crate at the street corner preaching the end of the world. Instead, I just share certain things in my life and observations which serve to inspire and change me. Every now and then, I'll post something just to be silly. If you know me at all, you know I have a real appreciation for goof off-ery.
I am in the process of taking my writing more seriously. That doesn't mean that I'm taking myself more seriously. Have you met me? Helllllooooo! What it means is that I recognize that I have been given a certain measure of talent. I have shared with you my observations on how we are given different abilities and capabilities. I do not want to be guilty of burying mine. We all have gifts. Some have talents they haven't even discovered. Others have great talent, but don't use them. Others have very little that the world sees or appreciates, but they use what they have to change their world.
I want to be someone who uses what God has given me to change my world. I just want my world to grow, so the change will, as well.
First things first. Before I can expect to affect change in my world, it must first begin in me.
I believe in you.