Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Looking Forward

Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand."

John 13:7 (New International Version)

Yeah, so I think you can easily summarize my 2008 with this particular verse from the bible. Just last week, a close friend reminded me of something I said at the end of 2007. I stated that I didn't want 2008 to be like the previous year. I had a particularly rough year in 2007, and the thought of enduring another one like it was enough to cause me to examine my life very closely.

There is the saying that the definition of insanity is doing things the same way over and over, but expecting different results. There weren't bad things in my life, but there weren't things in my life which were inspiring or requiring growth. So when I made that statement to my friend, I was saying that I didn't want to be exactly the same, only one year older in December 2008.

Little did I know what God had in mind for me.

Back on July 8, 2008, I wrote my first Crossing Paths post announcing that I was moving from my home of 11 years, San Jose, and relocating to Rocklin, CA. Maybe God misunderstood what I was saying
a year ago. I didn't mean geographically when I said I didn't want to be in the same place a year later. But in all honesty, I am beginning to understand that it was necessary for me to physically move from where I was to where I am. I have tried to share with you, through this blog, the good and the difficult things which have transpired since July 8. Sometimes our lives seem to be in some kind of crock pot, slowly cooking the contents at a leisurely pace. For me, the second half of 2008 was a microwave. The past 5 months has seen more things happen in my life than the past 5 years combined.

As I look ahead to 2009, I stand upon God's promise that He has plans and a purpose for my life. They're for my good, and not to harm me. They are to give me hope for my future. I have arrived in Rocklin, but I have not arrived at some spiritual or life plateau from where I can just kick my feet up and admire the view.

I do not see any magical significance to the annual flipping of the calendar to a new year. Each day holds the potential of changing our lives one way or the other. But because we measure time by calendars and clocks, we tend to evaluate each year by looking back, and we either dread or eagerly anticipate the coming year. I'm choosing to do the latter. I don't know what 2009 holds for me. I have hopes and dreams, but only God knows. All I know is that I am on a good path and upward climb. I do not intend to lose any of the momentum which has been built in the 5 months since I came to Rocklin. I expect there to be difficulties and surprises along the way. But in the things I plan, and the things which require my flexibility and endurance, I submit everything I am into God's hands.

He's taken great care of me so far, despite myself. I know I can count on Him to keep it going.

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