I'm writing this at about 10 PM Wednesday night. I just got home moments ago from the Man Cave. It has been a long day, as my Wednesdays routinely are, as of late. It's a little weird to leave the porch light on when you leave the house in broad daylight at 8:30 AM knowing you're going to need it when you get home some 12-13 hours later.
If you've been following my recent posts, you know my mom's health is poor. Wednesday was a very strange day. My boss, Gary, is out of town at a speaking engagement in Boston. It was up to me to put all the pieces together for the Man Cave. It is something I put great time, effort and joy into. I really do love it. It's exhausting and exhilarating at the same time. The church office blocks Facebook, but not Twitter or my blog. I was able to update my Twitter, which updates my Facebook status, and I was able to post brief blog updates about my mom's condition. What I wasn't able to do, was view all of the support which has been flowing in from people I know from all over the country, from various stops on my journey through life. I got home and found many, many comments from friends far and wide who are praying for my mom and supporting me emotionally. I received notes from people I absolutely didn't expect, and many from those who I know are there for me.
It was overwhelming...in a good way.
It means so much to my family when I can genuinely say that there are so many people, most of whom they don't even know, who are praying for my mom. My parents have touched so many lives with their love and generosity for so many years, it comes as quite a blessing that people they've never met are lifting them up to the Lord. It's truly inspiring to me.
I know people who scoff at Facebook and other social networking tools and sites. I understand that. But I have to tell you, being able to update people I love in real time after just a few keystrokes on my computer is awesome. And to return home after a day of rollercoaster emotions and distractions to find such an outpouring...well, don't tell me God can't use modern technology to bless His people.
Thursday is a new day. I have no idea what it holds. I have no idea if joy or sorrow awaits as I write this on Wednesday night. But no matter what awaits, it's comforting to know two things. My God is in the center of it all and is there for me when I rejoice and when I mourn, and there are people like you who care enough to read these words and offer your friendship to me, and quite likely, a dear woman you've never met.
My heart is full, and I thank God, and I thank you, with all my heart.
Good and Faithful Servant
6 years ago
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