Life is simply a collection of events that happen from the time we're born, to our final breath. Many of the events are conditions of our decisions and actions, and many events pop up in front of us without any warning or provocation. In either case, we have to face them. Do we let them change us, or do we stay the course.

Yet, others are thermostats. They live their lives choosing not to be a victim. They live their lives looking to make a difference. They see obstacles as opportunities. They don't wish their lives to be difficult, but rather than wallow in pity or self destruction, they strap on their armor and get after it.
There are 99 days left in 2010. In the days, months and years that have led to this moment in your life, have you been a thermometer or a thermostat? If you're feeling challenged to stop being reactive, and become proactive, you have to make a choice. Don't let one more day go by being a slave to your circumstances. Don't let 2010 go out with a whimper. God didn't create you to be a slave to your past. He didn't create you to be a victim. He created you to be an overcomer!
Even the strongest in mind and spirit get worn down. But as Isaiah 40:28-31 says, your strength will be renewed when you place your trust, your reliance, and your hope in God.
I don't know about you, but I needed this reminder. I have stretches where I am on fire and empowered. But I also have stretches when I find myself in a funk. These periods are sneaky. You don't realize you're there until you've been there for awhile and you take time to stop and assess things.
Today is a new day. Strap it on and get after it! Don't allow yourself to be controlled by circumstances. Choose to see this as an opportunity to overcome and get over the things which would either hold you back, or stand between you and your goals!